To all my beloved friends,
Be it from Sabah, Sarawak, KL and semua di Semenanjung Malaysia. I would really need your help, I'm representing Infinatez and our INF team.
Alhamdulillah Infinatez now is moving in a correct direction, we are getting invitation to appear in various events, shows, interviews etc. To those yang sudah dengar our songs "Paparazzi", "Ada Masa" & "Sayang Kinabalu", we hope you enjoyed it. Kalau belum you can listen to it here -
Ok, the help yang I need from you guys is to request our songs to be played in radio stations. To be exact we would like you guys to request "Ada Masa" as it is our latest single, tapi you guys boleh juga request our other songs.
One way is to request it at Xfm (previously known as Xfresh), ni link dia -
One thing at a time, we can focus on Xfm first. But if you prefer other stations like Suria fm, you can do so. You probably get a listen to it at DJ Hairil's Suria Intro every Sunday. To listeners in Sabah, you can ask DJ Othoe to play it @ Suria Pagi Kinabalu 105.9fm.
Guys, we really need your help on this one. Again, do have time to listen to it at our myspace and if you like it, kindly do request for it. We hope that our songs could be heard all over the country, and the rest of the world.
ps: Infinatez will be back with more sounds. We promise.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Alvin MY aka Defoo
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hari yang penat
Smlm g temankan my dear g kenduri kawin mmbr nye kt Jengka, Pahang.. jauhnye la perjalanan.. cian kt dia je sbb dia yg drive g n balik.. =)
anyway, sampai kt Jengka 19 dlm kul 11.30 pg.. awl gak la dtg nye sbb x ramai org lg yg ade kt kenduri tu.. hihihi.. pas tu, dlm sejam lps tu br g kenduri tu, then br la meriah skit ngn ramai org.. temankan my dear sampai pengantinnye sampai.. kul 1.30 br gerak balik n mula la singgah ke tmpt lain.. =) thanks dear..
g singgah bandar kuantan sbb that was my 1st time g pahang.. so sj je la my dear bwk tgk2.. hihihi.. then g pantai cherating.. walupun xde mende sgt tp ok gak la.. main kt pantai jap.. next time nak ajak g cameron highlands lak la.. :)
bertolak balik klang dlm pas asar, hujan mula turun.. lebat gak la.. pastu bile sampai highway karak, jem jap.. cian kt my dear sbb dah la hujan, wiper kete lak wt hal, ngntuk lg.. cian cian.. ;( but nasib baik si dia sorg driver yg kira bijak gak la.. sgt berhati2.. ye la, bwk anak dara org kan? kang jd ape2, susah la.. hihihi
sampai umah sy dlm kul 10 mlm.. nasib baik hujan dah reda skit.. klu still lbt lg, x leh balik umah la my dear.. hihihi
actually ade something yg sgt2 wt sy terharu, bile dgr dr mulut my dear.. should I mention it here? I think its too early to announce it here.. so tgu je la ye.. insyaAllah akan terlaksana gak.. aminn.. =)
hr sabtu lak tgk cite Wall-E.. hihihi.. sgt2 best n cute sgt2 wall-e nye.. =)
anyway, sampai kt Jengka 19 dlm kul 11.30 pg.. awl gak la dtg nye sbb x ramai org lg yg ade kt kenduri tu.. hihihi.. pas tu, dlm sejam lps tu br g kenduri tu, then br la meriah skit ngn ramai org.. temankan my dear sampai pengantinnye sampai.. kul 1.30 br gerak balik n mula la singgah ke tmpt lain.. =) thanks dear..
g singgah bandar kuantan sbb that was my 1st time g pahang.. so sj je la my dear bwk tgk2.. hihihi.. then g pantai cherating.. walupun xde mende sgt tp ok gak la.. main kt pantai jap.. next time nak ajak g cameron highlands lak la.. :)
bertolak balik klang dlm pas asar, hujan mula turun.. lebat gak la.. pastu bile sampai highway karak, jem jap.. cian kt my dear sbb dah la hujan, wiper kete lak wt hal, ngntuk lg.. cian cian.. ;( but nasib baik si dia sorg driver yg kira bijak gak la.. sgt berhati2.. ye la, bwk anak dara org kan? kang jd ape2, susah la.. hihihi
sampai umah sy dlm kul 10 mlm.. nasib baik hujan dah reda skit.. klu still lbt lg, x leh balik umah la my dear.. hihihi
actually ade something yg sgt2 wt sy terharu, bile dgr dr mulut my dear.. should I mention it here? I think its too early to announce it here.. so tgu je la ye.. insyaAllah akan terlaksana gak.. aminn.. =)
hr sabtu lak tgk cite Wall-E.. hihihi.. sgt2 best n cute sgt2 wall-e nye.. =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New Baby
Jumaat hr tu (15 ogos 2008) akak sy dah selamat melahirkan her new baby.. a baby boy & the last one after get her 2 daughters earlier.. hr sabtu nye, g melawat baby nye kt hospital serdang with my love.. hihihi sorry my dear, segan ye.. =)
Then, ape lg.. berposing je la ngn baby br tu.. hihihi.. oo ye, dont decide nama ape lg.. maybe hr ni @ sok kakak sy akan pulang ke umah mak utk berpantang jap.. hahhaha, habis la baby nye nnt.. hihihi
p/s: bln 11 nnt tmbh lg sorg new baby.. hihihi
Then, ape lg.. berposing je la ngn baby br tu.. hihihi.. oo ye, dont decide nama ape lg.. maybe hr ni @ sok kakak sy akan pulang ke umah mak utk berpantang jap.. hahhaha, habis la baby nye nnt.. hihihi
p/s: bln 11 nnt tmbh lg sorg new baby.. hihihi
Monday, August 04, 2008
New Laptop
Salam.. sy sudah membeli laptop baru (Acer Aspire 4530) last sabtu hr tu.. hihihi =) dgn harga RM2040 (with extended 3 years warranty)..
Gambar nye sok la ye sy upload.. x bwk card reader lak..

hihihi.. sgt puas hati ngn laptop ni..
ade duit lbh nnt, nak tambah RAM nye lak & beli cooler nye skali.. =)
Gambar nye sok la ye sy upload.. x bwk card reader lak..
ok ni la gmbr laptop br sy.. hihihi
hihihi.. sgt puas hati ngn laptop ni..
ade duit lbh nnt, nak tambah RAM nye lak & beli cooler nye skali.. =)
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